
Margaret Zweck

Oral Histories

Keeping memories alive.

There are so many wonderful stories about the cottage and Light Pass – the stories that once would have been shared at family gatherings – “is Uncle Fred telling that story again?” . But these are the stories that bind families and communities together, and keep our history alive.

We’ve begun recording these stories, and they make wonderful listening.

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Rechner Family maps of interest cover


Here’s where you’ll find publications of interest, such as:

‘The Rechner Wine Barrel’:  12 wine barrels were commissioned to tell the story of the German settlers in the Barossa Valley. Made of oak, their specially carved fronts feature pioneers of the valley, including GJ Rechner.

‘Rechner Family Maps of Interest’: Detailed maps and explanations of places in South Australia of interest to Rechner Family members, including cemetery guides.

Our prospectus gives a great summary of the conservation and has useful information for potential donors.

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October newsletter cover


Every 3 months or so, our newsletters arrive in your inbox to let you know what’s been happening with the progress of the conservation, what the committee has been busy doing, and our fundraising offers. We also include stories from the past about the cottage, GJ Rechner, and Light Pass (just because we find them fascinating and love to share!). You can subscribe down in the footer or catch up on past ones.

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