Oral Histories

Photo: Roman Kraft on Unsplash
Keeping memories alive
There are so many wonderful stories about the cottage and Light Pass – the stories that once would have been shared at family gatherings – “is Uncle Fred telling that story again?”. But these are the stories that bind families and communities together and keep our history alive.
We’ve begun recording these stories, and they make wonderful listening. We’d like to capture as many as we can, before they are lost. We are sure you’ll enjoy these!

Tom Reuther grew up in Light Pass in the 1930’s and ’40’s. He is an engaging storyteller, and his recordings cover all sorts of topics, from weddings, school-life and pets to a day at the races. He gives a wonderful (and sometimes very funny) picture of what life was like.

Margaret Zweck has a passion for history. During her time at Light Pass she loved discovering its rich heritage. She was instrumental in the preservation of Luhrs Cottage. She also loved to do some ‘archeological digs’, fossicking around and finding treasures from the past. She discovered the bone utensils above buried outside Rechner Cottage. Margaret’s memories are a great reminder of how individuals can be involved in discovering and preserving the past.

Coming soon! Dr Lois Zweck is a transcriber, translator and research assistant at the Lutheran Archives. She has used her love of languages and history, and her extensive research skills to discover the stories of Australia’s first Lutherans. In these recordings, she paints a fascinating picture of life in Silesia in the early to mid-1800’s, and also the life of the young GJ Rechner and his family.
Watch this space…

Do you have memories of the Cottage or Light Pass to share? Your own, or perhaps stories that have been passed down to you? Every memory adds to the picture we have of the past, and we’d love to capture them. It’s easy to do, so please get in touch with us.